By Lexi Bulich
Research is showing that sitting is just as bad for your health as smoking. Dr. Naveen Rajpurohit, Cardiologist at Stanford has researched this idea. He refers to sitting as “truly a silent killer” that has been linked to higher risks for a variety of diseases, specifically cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol. Sitting can also affect mental wellness. Dr. Rajpurohit states that sitting for long periods increases risks for dementia and anxiety.
Dr. James Levine, a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic, coined the phrase “Sitting is the new smoking”. In addition to the diseases mentioned above, he adds sitting can lead to tight hip flexor muscles and weak legs, which is the main reason that older people fall.
So, what about all the seated exercise formats so many people participate in? Are they bad for your health too?
As a Master Trainer for LaBlast Chair Fitness, a ballroom dance fitness class based on dances from “Dancing the Stars” and done 100% seated, I am quite passionate about this topic, as many in the fitness industry are. I will start by saying I’m not a doctor or scientist. I have a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology/Exercise Science and am a Certified Group Fitness Instructor. My passion is movement, more specifically dancing, and I work full-time as a Fitness Manager for a local municipality in Colorado. I have been teaching LaBlast Chair Fitness for two years to the sweetest group of members at my Recreation Center.
I am also lucky enough to train others to become LaBlast Chair Fitness Instructors both in Colorado and virtually worldwide. LaBlast Chair Fitness classes are unique in encouraging the whole body to move from a seated position, not just feet and steps. We move from the inside out physically, mentally, and emotionally to music of all genres. Picture the chair as your dance floor and your butt cheeks as your feet. We salsa, jive, waltz, foxtrot, quickstep, and more, all from a seated position.
It’s also a heck of a good core workout! We work on posture, mobility, flexibility, and strength. Each dance has a style and energy that evokes emotion and encourages each student to get involved. For the most part, those who attend classes cannot dance standing. One student with neuropathy in her feet was told she would never dance again.
Another is recovering from tearing her ACL skiing. A third has struggled with depression her whole life and since taking LaBlast Chair Fitness classes, no longer does.
It is important to understand that the research studies mentioned above refer to sitting for prolonged periods- 6-8 hours/day. And yes, I agree that a sedentary lifestyle is just as bad for your health as smoking. So instead of “sitting is the new smoking”, I prefer “sedentary is the new smoking”. Seated dance fitness classes on the other hand, specifically LaBlast Chair Fitness, bring the same amazing benefits as standing dance fitness classes: cardiovascular health, physical strength, coordination, social interaction, improved mood, self-confidence, and fun!
For more information on our programs and to find a class that suits your needs, please visit our official website.