///Water Fitness Social Hour: Is Chit-Chat Healthy or Hurtful?

Water Fitness Social Hour: Is Chit-Chat Healthy or Hurtful?

By Lexi Bulich

Conversations, small talk, and distractions can be all too common in water fitness classes. Handling these inattentive and sometimes rude behaviors can be very challenging for the instructor. It’s important to note, though, that social interactions are a big part of group fitness classes and are not always a bad thing.

Loneliness is a big problem among adults. According to the Healthy Minds 2024 Monthly Poll from the American Psychiatric Association (APA), 30% of adults say they have experienced loneliness at least once a week over the past year, while 10% say they are lonely every day. That is one in three adults experiencing loneliness at least once a week and one in 10 feeling lonely every single day. Loneliness can negatively impact both mental and physical health. A recent advisory by the US Surgeon General compared loneliness to smoking 15 cigarettes per day.

Group Fitness classes can help cure loneliness by providing a safe place for participants to connect socially. They promote community, and community is the opposite of loneliness. LaBlast® Splash strives to combat the loneliness epidemic one class at a time. The format perfectly fuses ballroom dance and water fitness, drawing together a sense of camaraderie.

Students learn the likes of Disco, Jive, Viennese Waltz, Lindy Hop, and other classic dances using whole-body movement. The easy-to-learn patterns and music selections from all genres and decades welcome all ages and fitness levels and are tons of fun!

Let’s go back to “fitness social hour.” Where do we draw the line between healthy social interaction and distracting side conversations in water fitness classes? Unfortunately, it’s not always black and white, but here are five tips that may help keep the loud chit-chat to a low roar:

1. Keep them moving the whole time! Not only will continuous movement prevent participants from getting cold in the water, but it will also help minimize talking. If participants are physically working, they won’t have the time or energy to over-chat with each other. In LaBlast® Splash, we don’t focus on dance steps instead, we move the whole body, from the inside out. This unique movement philosophy helps participants get involved in each dance and leaves little room for side conversations.

2. Incorporate mental exercises! Similarly, if their mind is occupied, talking is challenging. Adding mental fitness components, such as memory games, counting exercises, jokes, and trivia, can provide just enough mental energy to minimize chatting. In LaBlast® Splash, we focus on patterns, not choreography… aka ‘patternography’. Patterns keep participants engaged mentally, making the class easy to follow for everyone.

3. Eye contact! As much as possible! Instructors should be teaching from the deck and facing the class. This allows the presenter to connect with each participant through the power of eye contact. In cases where class members are talking and not paying attention, I have found that locking my eyes on them and smiling, of course, seems to encourage them to stop. In LaBlast® Splash, we always teach from the deck and face them. This leaves little room for them to be inattentive or distracted.

4. Music! Playing music loud enough for participants to sing along can help decrease side-talking. It also evokes emotion, which occupies the soul. Consider using music with varying tempos, familiar tunes, and uplifting lyrics to keep participants engaged. In LaBlast® Splash, we dance to music of all genres, artists, and eras- oldies, pop, country, 70’s disco, big band swing, rock’n’roll, and more.

5. Encourage/organize social events after class! Since loneliness is a real problem and social interaction helps immensely, why not organize social events after class? For example, invite your students to join for coffee or lunch once a month. Maybe host a monthly potluck in a convenient area close to the pool. If they know they have an opportunity to catch up with each other after class, they will be less likely to do it during class.

Changing a culture of distracting conversations during water fitness classes is not easy and won’t happen overnight. Consistently implementing these five tips will keep participants engaged physically, mentally, and emotionally, leaving little room for distracting side conversations. Over time, it may be enough to shift the paradigm of water fitness from ‘social hour’ to a great workout for the body, mind, and soul.

Visit LaBlast to learn more about becoming an instructor in one of the five LaBlast formats: Fitness, Splash, Line Dance, Chair Fitness, and Kids Fitness.

For more information on our programs and to find a class that suits your needs, please visit our official website.

By |2025-03-09T07:38:14-06:00March 9th, 2025|The LaBlog, The LaBlog 2018|Comments Off on Water Fitness Social Hour: Is Chit-Chat Healthy or Hurtful?